In the al-Qur’an frequently mentioned term about the formation and development of the human personality, the factors that influence it and also how to handle it. There for, the personality can be taught in schools, introduced to the students through habituation, ideals and ethics.

Personality itself can be judged only when the research has done and met the scientific criteria. In Islamic educational context, personality is as characteristic and also identity of Islam, the religion that since the fall carries out the mandate to enhance the personality and noble character. Personality is the very nature which is reflected in the attitudes and actions of a person or a nation that sets it unique from people or other nations. This word refers to a mask or a mask used by actors in classical drama. Etymologically, the personality comes from the Latin language persona. Meanwhile, hablun minal’alam is only limited to cleaning activities and has not reached the stage of ihsan comprehand.Personality is a compact word, easy to say, but how difficult to realize. Regard to the various learning activities and processes available, hablun minannas becomes the most dominant scope, especially in the aspects of adab and empathy. Although hablun minalllah has not been able to reach the level of mahabbah, but the learning process has trained students to be able to worship and become obedient servants. Basically, the learning implementation of Islamic character has been successful in three Islamic scopes, both in hablun minallah, minannas, and minal'alam. Moreover, Islamic learning activities are still limited to translating and have not yet achieved scientific activities in accordance with the capacity of university students. The results showed that Text learning in religious activities still uses classical models in large numbers, so that text learning has not been able to achieve maximum results. Analysis techniques are data reduction, data display, and drawing conclusions. This research used descriptive qualitative and collected data by interviews, observation and documentation. The objective is to find out the implementation of learning of Islamic characters in Ma'had Al-Jami'ah IAIN Samarinda. Ma'had Al-Jami'ah is responsible to improve character and create who are intellectually religious. Indonesia is currently facing a degradation of character marked by deviations of norms are social and religious.